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Diana Joy
Jul 11, 20161 min read
Hello Reader. I seldom ask why. Personally, I find it to be not really helpful. Knowing why something happened or didn't, or is or...

Diana Joy
Jun 13, 20161 min read
Getting lost, or losing it?
Oh, hello there, dear reader. I have found you again. I think I may have found me too. I had a fairly serious meltdown this past Friday....
Diana Joy
May 9, 20161 min read
Birthing a Book
Hello Reader! Welcome back to the regular Monday post. I am in labour. Gestation has been two years. And the baby is only twenty pages...

Diana Joy
Mar 7, 20161 min read
Getting Started
Good Monday Readers! This is my cat, Soleil (the white one on the left), with her new friend. At first they hissed and growled. Then they...
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