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Diana Joy
Dec 30, 20171 min read
Snow Angels
The town where I live has a community program called Snow Angels. It recognizes the kindness of those who help neighbours in need with...

Diana Joy
Oct 27, 20171 min read
Gone Fishing
Who is always telling you "Just do the work"? Yeah, that would be me. Who has not been doing the work? Yeah, that would be me. Sometimes...

Diana Joy
Sep 12, 20161 min read
Sharing a piece from my book
Oceans (A Sunshine Coast Kind of Love) Oceans of love, of longing of saline in my veins. Kingfishers and Jellies. Cries of gulls and...

Diana Joy
May 16, 20161 min read
Giving a Reading
Hello Reader. Meet my rehearsal audience. My first chapbook "From the Wet Coast, With Love" will be available any day now. My job, as far...
Diana Joy
May 9, 20161 min read
Birthing a Book
Hello Reader! Welcome back to the regular Monday post. I am in labour. Gestation has been two years. And the baby is only twenty pages...
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